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UNDERBOSS's Duties Empty UNDERBOSS's Duties

Post  admin Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:53 am


Recruit new soldiers to the family
Negotiate truces
Discipline lower ranking officers where need be
2nd in command under Boss and Highest Ranking officer when there is no Bosses or Godfather/mother Present.
Has the ability under certain circumstances when they are the highest ranking officer present to accept or talk about alliances with another Family.
Keeps in touch with allies to maintain those allies

Has the power to decide whether to aid or not aid in the call for help
with an ally if they feel the decision warrants either decision
Is not to question any decisions during war made by any higher ranking
officers if you feel something is not right, please take it up with a
boss or the heads of the family but are to accept any decisions made by ranking officers at that time

****oh wait according to my UB she has informed me that she no responsibilities..muahs snapper love ya!****


Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-02-04
Age : 41

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